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Malware and antivirus software

ESET 的 ESET NOD32 連續第 33 次獲得Virus Bulletin 100 獎

Created: 2005-09-08 00:00:00

SAN DIEGO, CA – August 9, 2005 – ESET, a global security software company providing next-generation malware protection, today announced that their flagship product, ESET NOD32, received its 33rd consecutive Virus Bulletin 100 award for flawless virus protection. More Detail.

2005年9月8日,加州,聖地亞哥。ESET, 一家提供下一代反病毒防護產品的跨國安防軟件公司今天宣佈它們的旗艦產品 ESET NOD32 ,第33 次獲得Virus Bulletin 100 獎,查看詳情