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Malware and antivirus software

ESET 沒有向任何顧客提供關於微軟媒體文件漏洞的免費保護補丁

Created: 2006-01-06 00:00:00

ESET Protects Against Microsoft Media File Vulnerability & Offers Free Proactive Protection to Non-Customers

- Read the offical Press ReleaseeWeek and Enterprise IT Planet articles.

Note: ESET has removed the previously available patch, which was provided by ESET partner Paolo Monti of FutureTime.

請閱讀官方新聞發佈eweek 和 Enterprise IT Planet 上的文章

注意:ESET 已經移除了先前由 ESET的合作夥伴Paolo Monti of FutureTime發佈的補丁。